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By: Anonymous

Date: 2023-08-20T00:33:25.752403Z


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By: valentineviking79

Date: 2023-08-20T05:18:27.693508Z


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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-20T04:10:05.371971Z


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Me Myself and I

By: ohsoevi

Date: 2023-08-18T19:56:45.087879Z

Thats a big question to answer bc our view for ourselves doesn't match with others. Either is better or worse. I believe that if you know yourself then u can do or don't whats right or wrong. I was always proud of myself even for my mistakes or decisions that either was for my future or my personal matters. I am an introvert Sagittarius even at 37 i have those moments but I'm there whenever u need me, I'm your crying shoulder I'm ready to kill fory family and my loved ones. I will hear you i will tell you my opinion but the choise is yours. So I'm proud of me and myself bc i haven't let anything to change me. I'll always be Evi !!!! P.s DON'T ALLOW ANYONE AND ANYTHING TO CHANGE U

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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-21T02:53:05.978963Z


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Stay positive

By: dallasausten8

Date: 2023-08-19T01:59:25.234510Z

When I achieve my goals that I have set out for myself and by others like my mentor who knows how to push me and allows me to make mistakes but is there when I need his advice. Me knowing that people who have said or even thought that I wasnt worth the time or energy to believe in are always proven wrong when I achieve my goals and they are still where they are at blamming everyone but themselves where they are. I have been around people who blame their life on the government not protecting them and giving others handouts but them when it's really about their choices in life of what they achive and don't achive. Everytime I achieve something I brag about it to myself everyday that "Hey I achieve that goal which I thought was so hard but really it was super easy so what's my next goal going to be and is it going to teach me a new skill or something new about myself that I just happen to wake up inside of me." That is how great people over come their problems and allow to improve themselves everyday. I also learn from not achieving goals that I need to find a different route to it because route a didn't work out for me but maybe route b will. Even if I fail from achieving the goal I know I try my hardest and I will be better next time I set that same goal. I also enjoy seeing the looks of my haters when they know that I'm achieving my goals and they arent because of their choices. It's all about believing in yourself and not listening to what others say about you that will make you succeed or fail. If you get the haters in your head with their negativity then they win but if you have them in your head as positive thoughts like "You wont make a million dollars in a year" instead you say "I wont make a million dollars in a year instead I will make a million dollars in 6 months." Then you have won the battle no matter what the out come is. Stay positive and use negative as the fuel for you to make your goals and so how much you have grown as a person.

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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-19T04:35:33.801881Z


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By: mariapfdo

Date: 2019-06-12T19:26:40.257530Z

It’s sucks when life slaps you on the face making you realize something you didn’t even imagine was out there. Yes, it sucks, but sometimes, it’s completely necessary. Often, it’s the only way to make us open our eyes and change the course or our journey, the only way to make you hear what it’s been whispering to your ear all along. Will this do the trick? Not necessarily. It will all be up to us. On occasions, no matter who loud life screams at us or how hard it hits us, we still manage to avoid receiving the not so secret and riddle message it is trying to deliver. Yes, it will be all up to us.  With each passing day, we decide the person we want to be, through the words we speak, through the thoughts we think, through the actions we take,  through the lies or truths we live by, through the things we dare to listen and to the ones we cowardly ignore.  I’ve had had a couple of days where life screams at you so loud and slaps you so hard it will be a fool game to ignore it. It sucked, but it was totally necessary. I’ve been so arrogant, so pride, and so self-centered, that I forgot all the blessing around me. I took them for granted.  I forgot what a blessing it is to work on my terms and have time for those things that set my soul on fire. I forgot how lucky I am not to have to worry about the basic need. I took for granted the money I have earned. I’ve been self-centered and selfish. I’ve been immature and irresponsible, and I’ve been ignoring the consequences of it. I’ve been making some bad decisions. I’ve been lying to others and myself, forgetting my truths and getting ruled by my lies. I took my dream for granted. I took the love and support of the people that have been all along with me through thick and thin for granted. I’ve been arrogant to think that people have some kind of obligation to support my dream. I forgot all about humility, hard work, commitment, and positive energy. I forgot all about thankfulness. I have been disrespectful to the life I’m lucky enough to be living. I’ve been ungrateful. I’ve been ungrateful as hell.  Life slapped me hard on the face and it sucked. But I’m thankful. I’m thankful I dared to listen. I’m thankful I chose to reflect in a time when not everything is lost, and I still get to turn this ship around. I’m thankful life is giving me a chance to do and be better. I’m thankful for the opportunity to grow and learn from these experiences. Will the feeling of the slap be enough? Am I a changed woman? Not even close. I still have to work on what led me to this in the first place; and even though acknowledgment is the first step to changing the pattern, I have a long way to go. In the last couple of days, I have felt a lot of things. I’ve felt stupid, silly, ashamed, angry with myself, doubtful, scared, sad, and some other things.  But mostly, I feel thankful for the warm feeling of that outrageous, uncomfortable and immensely generous slap.

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Guardian Angel

By: ohsoevi

Date: 2023-08-09T17:57:08.579646Z

The moment i saw her smiling at me and walking to my bed side my heart stopped and just the biggest smile I've ever had. The sign i was asking for it was right in front of me. Friday July 28th... Second day of non dropping fever 38.9, i went to the nearset Health Centre in my village they started to examine me, my chest, lungs, urine my chest was clear, my urine too but she could hear something down and back in my right lung. So she wrote me a note and told me to ruch to the emergency in a hospital, i was about to leave for Thessaloniki so i went, i arrived at 10 pm and they measured my blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen and ofc fever. 39.7 my fever, 92%my oxygen, my heart was ok and my pressure too. So they wrote me a note i took my number and waited.... For 5 fever was either 38.7 or 39.3 was playing. Finally at about 3 am i saw a doctor who took,my blood, urine, chest X-Ray, heard me again and at about 6 am sunrise at Saturday morning i was admitted yo the Hospital with PNEUMONIA without classic symptoms. They drowned blood again, temperature again and they put me a butterfly with IV, paracetamol for the fever and antibiotics. I didn't sleep the sleep vame at about 7 in the morning but not well. At around 11 in morning while i was talking to my mom, i saw her i saw her smiling, coming to my way. I pop ut the phone down and did what she asked, put the thermometer to measure me, checked and reinforced my butterfly in my arm and put the antibiotics two kinds, my temperature? 38.7 she just frowned and went to bring paracetamol to drop my fever. My mom wanted to see who the girl was, the moment she saw her she complimented her gor her smile and clean eyes and asked her to watch me bc she couldn't be there due to her season work she has. Ofc (lets call her S ) S calmed her and said she will watch me. Without knowing S just made the biggest difference in my situation just with her smile, beauty and positivity. Sunday July 30th She was working morning until 4 pm, my visitation day my sister and father came to bring me some clothes, pads bc i was menstruating too, underwear and i asked a nurse to unplug me so i can take a bath, i did i felt somewhat better, my sis did my hair like i was mma fighter I loved it, also i wanted to be clean and smell good for S. The visitation ended and i left alone, i talked to my best friend about our girls (FreenBecky) and at about 11 pm I layed and slept but around 2 am i woke from chest pains, i sat on the bed to measure it and be precise on where i pain. She was there too, the moment i opened my eyes i heard her voice smiled immediately. The nurse came to see my IV and measure me and i told her i was in pain. She run to S and came immediately and asked me how my pain was from 1-10 where and if i knew what kind. My fever 38.5 paracetamol again and informed my doctor, he came drowned me blood again and did EKG to see if my heart is compromised from fever. Everything was normal. So i layed and almost immediately I slept. Monday July 31st The most difficult day of my life, they couldn't find what exactly i have some said Pneumonia, some said unknown reason for my fever so i broke down, i was crying from the morning until the night, S had day off so i broke down. Fortunately my fever was 38.1 at 8 am and from that hour hadn't go up. Every measure was down and smiles finally the antibiotics kicked in. My sis vame again and had some company but Tuesday and Wednesday no visitation bc of Hospital was on ER duty. Tuesday August 1st The moment I opened my eyes and woke she was the first i saw with her casual clothes. A good day for beginning without fever a day, she came in smiling again,and smiling bigger seeing that i am feverless. They took me down for Catscan to see where the problem is, my right lung so Unsymptomatic Pneumonia thankfully i caught it very beginning so we attacked it. Also they did a heart ultrasound bc of a raised price on my morning EKG. Fortunately all good. Wednesday August 2nd She was working morning shift, she came in to check me and my neighbour with Pneumonia too. When she was on my side i decided to talk to her. •S? You know that you made the difference in my situation? •Who ? Me? How? •Yeah, you your smile, and energy made all the difference, I'm not a person who trust words, I'm a psychological woman so this? This was what i needed •Oh, bby girl i am exactly the same, thabk you for your kind words. Wish you be discharged today •To Gods ear S. She left and yhe docs came in, they found what was the blood prices where down more, so they prescribed me antibiotics and probiotics and discharged me. I was jumping, S came in again, i told her and she smiled so big and i got lost in her eyes. I prepared my bag, i hot dressed and i was ready to go, S came again to say goodbye, i hugged her i was shaking, told her yo keep smiling and not hear a thing she was amazing and exchanged social media. She accepted me immediately and talked a little. That woman is what i was looking for, she is single but I do not know if she is interested. My plan is to go out for coffee so i can talk to her properly. She is just amazing. She came into my life just like angel, my guardian angel.

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By: tishaposh

Date: 2019-08-12T08:10:50.945870Z

Is it , am I being delusional..I asked myself , that moment where you need to step back as a fan and revaluate if you are now not being too heavily emotionally invested in someone that you start to analyse everything and it ends up being toxic ....I didnt want that .I respect Barbs and Maca and love them so much I didnt want to say anything out of turn .I however learnt I wasnt alone having trouble figuring out what was happening to the 2,...They nolonger seemed to spent time together !!! I would see barbs with her girl squad ,worse Maca with Ivana Maria who I really appreciate by the way ...but I would wonder why cant they meet even juss for coffee...One day I got so infuriated seeing Maca licking ivana face and I was like okay so wheres Barbs being honest. I first had to remind myself that there is Real life , Tv life ,And Showbiz life where its for publicity. I then thought had I been fooled by the media paddling this image and painting in my head this best friend soulmate type of relationship ,was it real ...The honest truth is It is real my spirit testified inside me and anyone with questions to whether the friendship is real ...should go back and re-evaluate it is real... So if its real what the hell is going on...why cant they meet even to thank the fandom for the Etv win .I then got heartbroken ..depressed really like damn man ! .lwhy does it have to be hide and seek.Real friends meet despite media and all , I then thought maybe the directors instructed them to chill broadcasting their meetings to build anticipation ....I thought maybe they meet but do not want to create an image for the Mexican media who would run off tangent with it saying they are gay or something so they only meet in private ...I thought maybe Barbs is taking time out and is holding back from.meeting Barbs .... Literally I got crazyvand crazier by each question but now I was restless ..... I thought let me go on the Juliantina Thread and ask .....hahahaha that was the last time I will do so I got an online thrashing to say the least which was cool .It made me realise 3 things that the fandom assumed everyone is gay in the fandom ,as I was assumed to be wanting to create gay drama whereas some fans like me love these 2 irregardless of sexuality me the love they potrayed on screen and offscreen was beyond sexuality it was now bigger a living force of putting 2humans together who end up adoring each other despite what the world would teach them in the real world to compete and be self seeking .They potrayed the genuineness of a rare commodity in the world true friendship&love and to me thats what was important , 2ndly It made me realise that the fandom we loved Maca and Barb to an extend we would guard their reputation with everything we had...that was beautiful😄 and last I realised an important thing ....the depth of emotional investment the fandom had on these 2 was deeper than people perceive, It was like I had disrespected Mother Mary , I realised noone wanted to think the two werent as they potrayed or the chemistry between them was fading or noone wanted any info that would distort this grand image of the two that was in their minds cause the truth is their hearts would not take it I let it be ...(go to part3)

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