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By: Anonymous

Date: 2023-08-20T00:33:25.752403Z


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By: valentineviking79

Date: 2023-08-20T05:18:27.693508Z


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Me Myself and I

By: ohsoevi

Date: 2023-08-18T19:56:45.087879Z

Thats a big question to answer bc our view for ourselves doesn't match with others. Either is better or worse. I believe that if you know yourself then u can do or don't whats right or wrong. I was always proud of myself even for my mistakes or decisions that either was for my future or my personal matters. I am an introvert Sagittarius even at 37 i have those moments but I'm there whenever u need me, I'm your crying shoulder I'm ready to kill fory family and my loved ones. I will hear you i will tell you my opinion but the choise is yours. So I'm proud of me and myself bc i haven't let anything to change me. I'll always be Evi !!!! P.s DON'T ALLOW ANYONE AND ANYTHING TO CHANGE U

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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-20T04:10:05.371971Z


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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-21T02:53:05.978963Z


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Stay positive

By: dallasausten8

Date: 2023-08-19T01:59:25.234510Z

When I achieve my goals that I have set out for myself and by others like my mentor who knows how to push me and allows me to make mistakes but is there when I need his advice. Me knowing that people who have said or even thought that I wasnt worth the time or energy to believe in are always proven wrong when I achieve my goals and they are still where they are at blamming everyone but themselves where they are. I have been around people who blame their life on the government not protecting them and giving others handouts but them when it's really about their choices in life of what they achive and don't achive. Everytime I achieve something I brag about it to myself everyday that "Hey I achieve that goal which I thought was so hard but really it was super easy so what's my next goal going to be and is it going to teach me a new skill or something new about myself that I just happen to wake up inside of me." That is how great people over come their problems and allow to improve themselves everyday. I also learn from not achieving goals that I need to find a different route to it because route a didn't work out for me but maybe route b will. Even if I fail from achieving the goal I know I try my hardest and I will be better next time I set that same goal. I also enjoy seeing the looks of my haters when they know that I'm achieving my goals and they arent because of their choices. It's all about believing in yourself and not listening to what others say about you that will make you succeed or fail. If you get the haters in your head with their negativity then they win but if you have them in your head as positive thoughts like "You wont make a million dollars in a year" instead you say "I wont make a million dollars in a year instead I will make a million dollars in 6 months." Then you have won the battle no matter what the out come is. Stay positive and use negative as the fuel for you to make your goals and so how much you have grown as a person.

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By: daniliz

Date: 2023-08-19T04:35:33.801881Z


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Road to my Sexual Identity- last part

By: supernova22

Date: 2021-06-28T02:31:21.972474Z

It took me two years to finally be here and still not with a clear mind I admit about my sexuality.Although I'm totally convinced that my family(both parents sides) would dissaprove of me liking girls because like I mentioned before they are very committed christians.I have learned to accept myself more in the past months than I ever would have in the years before.Finally I confided how I feel towards girls to two friends this time being dead serious because I always used to make a joke out of what was clearly my truth.It's really a different reaction to every person, one of my best friends already knew for a fact that I liked girls eventhough I just mentioned to her that I felt quite confused about my gender orientation.She told me to take my time trying to figure it out and she'll love me regardless.Another best of friends said she loves me and it changes nothing but there was this one comment that really got to my nerves and I pushed it away,I figured those type of statements are always going to be there and I know she didn't mean no wrong. She said that I probably need a good lay from both a female and a male to figure out what I like more, but reading through instagram posts on bisexuality made me realize quite a lot on the topic and the usual comments people make about it. At this point I feel no need to rush into putting a label on myself, nor do I know with certainty that I only like girls or both male and female however, I know for a fact I'm not straight. It's crazy because we're drilled into our heads since a young age that we're to know what we want at the age of 20 and above like we can't change at all as soon as we enter our twenties. I'm 21 still trying to figure this out and all I can say is that if you don't place your self love first and commit to loving yourself more everyday you might end up facing very gloomy days and it's not fair for anybody to go through that. This is the first time I openly share my sexuality with others and the good thing is 'story place' is as anonymous as you wish for it to be. Ending this(I know I've bored you enough and this is long) I wanna share this awkward thing that happened to me the other day.My siblings and I were watching a movie and My brother carelessly said that I'm a lesbian it wasn't the first time he blurts it out, but this time my parents were walking in the living room as he said it, then my sister speaks up saying I'm bisexual because I like both male and females. I swear I'm so thankful the lights were off because I felt my face heat up at their statements and I couldn't even defend myself I had no answer and I think I stuttered a bit lol. My parents looking like they were all ears in, just stood staring at everybody.Then my younger sibling blurts out "y que importa que es digo? No iva hacer un difference"( "and what does it matter what she is? I mean it wouldn't make a difference") and I felt my smile grow big on its own and everybody even my parents started laughing. Even before this ordeal I'm convinced my parents would love me regardless of my sexual orientation,that wouldn't change their love towards me but they'll have a hard time accepting,if they ever do accept, my sexual orientation.It would very much scare them I'm sure because of all the problems I can face in this messed up world being part of the lgbtq community and the hateful comments of other family members or church members.Was going to post this yesterday but could never leave Ivana hanging😭❤

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"I Am Tired"

By: elgirasol

Date: 2021-02-14T17:26:56.770072Z

TW// mention of anxiety, depression, sex “I am tired” I honestly don’t know how many times I have said that phrase to myself and to people around me. “I’m tired” I’m pretty sure a lot of us have said that phrase too, to ourselves, to our bosses, our coworkers, to our friends, and even to our family. I was taking a shower and that phrase was on repeat in my head. That little voice in your head who knows you so much, who speaks for you. Because we all know that sometimes, even if we are so so tired and so down, we’ll just say “I’m fine”. So, it’s that voice in your head that reminds you of how you truly feel. But even if you do vocalize what you feel, even if you’re open to people of how you truly feel telling them that you are indeed tired, sometimes they still don’t understand, right? But who can blame them. When we were young we were taught that one can only get tired when they did something. Something that involves our physical body. May it be working out, or going to places, or even sex. That’s when you can say you’re tired. But nowadays, it means so much more than that. A lot of us don’t get tired because we exercised or went to far places or anything that involves the use of our body and motor skills. Now, the phrase “I’m tired” can mean more than physically tired. And that was what that amazed me and made me feel even more…. tired. See, that phrase has a lot of meaning now. Yet only few understands that. Only few people know that when someone says they are tired it can mean they are tired mentally because of thinking so much stuff: like work or school or even life. Leading sometimes to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Sometimes it can also mean one is tired emotionally. Feeling sad all the time, feeling confused, feeling alone. Those feelings make us say “I’m tired of feeling sad all time” or “I’m tired of feeling alone”. Yet that person didn’t do anything the whole day. And that emptiness takes a huge toll on them, making them say “I am tired” That phrase, those three words, has a lot of meaning. Like saying “i love you”. Which really amazed me. But then reality dawned upon me. That even though I sort of found a deeper meaning of what I was feeling, in hope that I would have a better understanding of why I feel tired, I am still lost. Lost in the sea, trying to find meaning and comfort to not be tired anymore. Or even just to be less tired. And as I ride through the storm, feeling helpless, I also realized that something. Yes, I am tired, but I am fighting through. That I acknowledged how I feel. That it’s okay to say hundreds of times “I am tired”. Because that means I have been working. Even though I did nothing “productive”. Even though I get consumed by the sadness and loneliness most days. Even though was staring at my screen or lying on bed the whole day. I have been working. Working myself to be better each day. Mucho amor, elgirasol 🌻 Photo by Alwi Alaydrus on Unsplash

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True Intimacy

By: lovesisi

Date: 2019-09-16T23:15:04.843756Z

Whether you were deprived of emotional and physical safety as a young soul or whether you have suffered trauma through repeated cycles of pain, depression and insecurities; true intimacy has always been a challenge in life. We are so afraid of being intimate with ourselves, of being completely naked and alone with our own souls that we never acknowledge how we really feel about a certain situation or a person. When we bury or deny our deep feelings, we end up subconsciously projecting onto others what we do not claim as our own. Unfortunately, we end up miscommunicating, arguments happen and we slowly start to think that we ARE the problem. We start to believe that something is completely wrong with us. The vicious circle of insecurities resurfaces. We must learn to develop intimacy with our spirits. We must develop a genuine self-love by getting to know and appreciate every single aspect of ourselves (good and bad). Forgive yourself and give yourself a chance. Give yourself MANY chances. Why wouldn’t you? You are worth all the time in the world. You are pure stardust. You are magical and beyond this material world. In fact, you are the Universe. You are life. You are beauty. You are love. You are gentleness. You are compassion. Finally, try to silence all the thoughts in your head by staying in the present. Focus all your energy on what you are doing, listen to your own breath. All this intimacy that your will have taken the time to nourish, to grow and to love for yourself, will become your own standard of intimacy with someone else. Also, to whoever is reading this, I love you. Sisi

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